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Core Proficiency



Unfortunately, British Gymnastics are no longer running their Proficiency Award Scheme nor producing certificates and badges for it.


JuniorGym will be introducing its own Proficiency Award Scheme (similar to the old BG one but with a few updates) in place of this and will be gradually moving towards digital certificates which will be emailed to you within a few days of ordering. Please keep an eye out in your junk mail as well as your inbox! Our digital certificates will cost less, use no paper or ink and will involve no physical delivery costs such as fuel and postage.


We do still hold the British Gymnastics certificates in stock for some but not all of the levels.

These certificates will be awarded to your child in their class or assembly time before the end of term.

If orders are placed in the last week of term, certificates may be presented the following term.

Core Proficiency

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